Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pelican Family: Panache

Because Pelicans do everything together in precision, They tend to unnerve people. When flying, these huge Birds drum their wings in unison. While resting, Pelicans point their long beaks in the same direction at the same time. The activities of these ungainly comic Birds, noted for their huge pouches, often transforms into drama.

Suddenly from a great height, with his enormous wings outstretched, Brown Pelican points his huge beak towards the water and plunges in. Filling his immense pouch, Great White Pelican holds more water than any other bird –about three gallons (11 1/2 liters). And, Australian Pelican has the largest beak of any Bird in the world – 19.5 inches (49 cm).

Moreover, Pelicans feed in unusual ways. In the water, White Pelicans form a semi-circle. As They beat their wings, the Group moves towards the shore. Herding Fish into the shallows, White Pelicans scoop Them up in their pouches.
Meanwhile, Brown Pelican dives into deep waters for Fish. Rhythmically flapping his wings, He hunches up his neck looking for Menhaden. Spying a school of Them below, Brown Pelican swiftly plunges into the sea. After scooping up Fish with his beak, He rests on the surface, to drain water from his pouch.

Contrary to popular belief, Pelicans do not store Fish in their pouches. Instead, They use them as fishing nets. Pelicans fill their beaks with gulps of water and Fish. After straining the water out of their pouches, Pelicans then dine on Fish.

Among people, stories abound about helpful Pelicans. In Mecca, They helped to build a Moslem Shrine. Among Christians, Pelican represents Christ feeding His Flock with His Blood. Because Dalmatian Pelican has red on her crop, many people thought that She fed her Young from her breast.

Whatever They do, these ancient Birds do it to dramatic effect. Plunging from great heights into the water, Brown Pelican causes people to take notice. Flying in unison, White Pelicans fill the skies with their massive bodies. With great subtlety, Pelicans move beyond being comical to being sublime. If you must be noticed, do it in the Pelican way with panache.


Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers

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