Monday, June 30, 2014

OSTRICH: Speed and Knowledge

A native of Namibia, Ostrich is the world’s largest Bird. At speeds of 70 km per hour, She runs faster than any other two-legged animal. Not only that, She also lays the largest eggs. What many people remember about Ostrich is her bizarre appearance: her long skinny neck and legs.

The !Kung tribe of Namibia hold Ostrich in great reverence. She provides for them by offering her meat for nourishment and her eggs for water carriers. In ancient Egypt, Ostrich was the representation of Ma’at, the Goddess of truth and justice. She weighed the heart of the deceased for truth. Those who passed her test went into Osiris’ presence, while those who failed were cast into the Netherworld of darkness.

Unique among birds, Ostrich has hoof-like feet, which help Her to run rapidly from danger. Kicking up sand as She goes, Ostrich swings from side to side as She runs across dry riverbeds. Even when walking, She is not slow. Powered by strong leg muscles, Ostrich walks about eight kilometers per hour.

Learn from Ostrich when and how to run from danger. She does not bury her head in sand; instead She runs. The notion of Her putting her head in the sand comes from Ostrich’s lowering her head as a means of protection. However, if alarmed, Ostrich will begin trotting fast. When totally frightened, She sprints away quickly on her strong feet. Ostrich understands that speed and knowledge will protect her.

Although Emu resembles Ostrich, They are not related.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Bardic: Finding Awen in Many Ways

Searching for Awen is something that Bards need to do in order to create their works. “Finding” Awens differs with each Bard, since all perceive Awen in their own particular way. However, one of the most common and easiest things that Bards do is to go out into Nature. A Bard would simply sit or walk in Nature, while becoming hyperaware of her surroundings. She would then speak to a tree and listen to its wisdom. While hearing the rustle of the wind or the call of the squirrel, a Bard goes deeper into Nature and discovers Awen.

 “Finding” Awen can by experiencing Bardic works. The creative fire of Awen is often exchanged between Bards in this manner. Through the efforts of one Bard, Awen flows to the other Bard, who embraces his piece. Listening to a symphony or reading a poem places a Bard in contact with Awen, that fills the creation.

  Spending time in devotion to the Gods is another way to “find” Awen. Performing regular rituals such as morning devotions or High Day observances will place the Bard in contact with the Divine. In this sacred time and space, a God may come to inspire the Bard to compose an ode in their honor. At other times, the Bard communes deeply with the Divine, and receives the “fire in the head,” compelling her to create.

 A Bard can seek Awen by wandering on the land. After finding a proper listening spot, he prepares to listen deeply to the Spirit of the Land. By employing meditation and paying close attention, the Bard can touch Awen through this Spirit. 

 During particular times of the year or at specific places of the earth, the door to Other Worlds will open. Going through the portal, a Bard can enter these Other Lands. This experience itself will connect the Bard to the wonder and awe of Awen. However, the Bard needs to take care not to become entrapped in the Other World.

 Through their craft, Bards can “find” Awen. By creating a song, picture or some other work, the Bard immerses himself into the stream of Awen. As the Bard deepens his contact through his craft, the more Awen will course through him. Awen usually comes to the Bard who opens himself up to create.

 As a channel for Awen to the present World, the Bard is the intermediary between Awen and people. She gives voice to the unseen and unperceived parts of the Worlds. Therefore, the Bard has to take special care in “finding” Awen. Moreover, she has the responsibility to “use” Awen wisely.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bardic: Finding Awen: Otherworlds: Fairies and others

After days of cold rain, the weather finally broke to become a delightful spring day. Therefore, I embarked to the local Nature Preserve – Hidden Pond Park. This park, complete with hills, meadows, swamps, and woods, is a pond and creek complex. As I headed towards the Nature Center at the park, I was greeted by a carpet of violets – purple, white, yellow, and mixed. While I walked the downhill path to Pohick Creek, I saw bluebells, spring beauties, and trout lilies. Nearer the creek, fiddlehead ferns were unfurling their heads.

At a bend in the creek, the water formed a small pool. When I sat down, two mallards landed and paddled around. Sitting in the warm sun, I felt drowsy as I held my stuffed lady bug. (I use “Peesey” to travel to the Otherworlds.) Wild fairies were sailing on little leaf boats in the air and on the water. Acting playful, the fairies were laughing until they saw me. Enraged, these fairies ordered me to leave. Since they despised humans, I hastily departed, after leaving an offering to appease the angry fairies.

 After that, I walked up the path to another part of the creek. An ancient oak leaned over the water exposing a huge hole made by its gnarled roots. Holding onto Peesey, I sat down and “descended” to the entrance. Coming through a tunnel, I found myself in a village populated by dwarves. The place hummed with purposeful activity, as the dwarves were busy crafting objects out of various metals. Because of their blast furnaces, the place was hot. I sweated but the dwarves seem comfortable. As their hammers struck against the anvils, a chiming music filled the air. As I wandered around, I noticed that the place was filled with bright colors. However I got the feeling that I was a distraction to the dwarves working, so I left.

 Arriving at the pond, I sat on a bench near some mud turtles basking on a log. As I watched them sun themselves, I fel asleep, waking up in a meadow near a babbling creek. I heard bumble bees buzzing, and bullfrogs croaking jug-a-rums, at the pond nearby. Meanwhile, Canada geese honked a welcome, as the ruler of the place, a fat toad, came to check me out. I apparently passed muster since he decided to sun himself near me. Feeling at peace, I relaxed and slept.

Afterwards, I got up and went home. When I arrived home, I pondered the difference between the three places where I had been. Were they all part of one single Otherworld? Were they all different Otherworlds? I wonder if all the descriptions of the Otherworlds collected through the ages were the six blind men trying to describe an elephant. My feeling from my experience was that I was at different locales of the same Otherworld.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Divination: Norse Runes: 12 Rune Life Layout

Because my life is in flux, I decided to do the Twelve Rune Layout known as “the Runic Wheel” for a life reading. “The Runic Wheel” is ideal for me to read accurately and wisely. I did the layout on May Eve (Walpurgis Night), since it marked the change between the light and dark halves of the year for the Norse. This crack in time was a good time to do a life reading.

 As I prepared to do the reading, I laid the Runes out counter-clockwise as directed by the layout. I noted each triadic grouping as well as any natural grouping such as “Self,” “Health,” and “Relationships.” During the divination, I looked for any particular messages from the Runes.

 Starting at the Nine o’clock position of “Self,” I drew Ansuz. For me, this Rune means that I am under the protection of the Gods. After I became injured, I felt the presence of the Gods come into my life. They have been guiding my life since.

 At the Eight o’clock position of “Material Position,” I drew Ehwaz. I interpret this Rune as “movement and adaptability.” Any new ventures that I start would be successful. However, I need to seek cooperation from other people to reach my goals.

 At the Seven o’clock position of “Communication,” I drew Isa. Because of my brain injury, communication with others is difficult. Isa reflects this blockage in my brain. What this Rune counsels me is that I need to wait first before speaking, so I do not stutter. 

 At the Six o’clock position of “Family and Home,” I drew Uruz. My family is like the wild Aurochs represented by Uruz. We are strong, passionate, and mentally ill. Managing our illnesses is like riding the Aurochs, but together we are able to do it.

 At the Five o’clock position of “Pleasure and Creativity,” I drew Berkano. This is the Rune of birth and rebirth. For six months, I have been struggling with a long fallow period of doing nothing. My zest for being creative has been noticeably absent. Drawing Berkano gives me hope that I should see the start of renewed creativity and the desire to write again.

 At the Four o’clock position of “Health,” I drew Dagaz. For me, Dagaz means “breakthrough, relief or some sort of dramatic life change.” Since my brain injury affects my over-all health, it makes becoming healthy, problematic. Because of this, I have made very slow progress in returning to good health. This Rune tells me to expect positive changes and improvement.

 At the Three o’clock position of “Relationships,” I drew Nauthiz. My brain injury creates difficulties because I miss social cues, frustrating me and other people. Nauthiz, the Rune of “need and obstacles,” informs me to be patient and use as much self-control as possible.

At the Two o’clock position of “Sex Life,” I drew Othila. For me, this Rune means “a sense of belonging, legacy, the Ancestors.” As I pondered this, I decided that the Ancestors are with me and want me to enjoy my husband. After all, that is how our line is continued. (This is their legacy to me.)
At the One o’clock position of “Ideals and Dreams,” I drew Mannaz. I understand this Rune to be “family and community.” My ideals and dreams arise from supporting my family and community. By serving my community, I can achieve my own ideals. 

 At the Twelve o’clock position of “Ambitions and Aspirations,” I drew Wunjo. For me, this Rune means “success and joy.” I was stumped as to how to interpret this Rune in this position. “Joy” could be a goal for me. I intend to do something joyful each day such as bird watching.
 At the Eleven o’clock position of “Friendships,” I drew Jera. This Rune means “harvest,” which I interpret to be: “I will reap the benefits of my friendships.” By maintaining the high quality of my relationships, my social life will improve. 

Finally at the Ten o’clock position of the “Subconscious,” I drew Kenaz. A part of my injury is being disconnected with parts of my brain. Kenaz, “the Torch,” will help me to illuminate these parts. Eventually, I will become more integrated, and more in touch with my subconscious.

 Looking at the Triads, several pictures emerge. From “Self” to “Material Position” and “Communication” flow Ansuz, Ehwaz, and Isa. From the Gods come my material comfort. However, I need to be still and ponder my good fortune.

 From “Family and Home” to “Pleasure” and “Health” flow Uruz, Berkano, and Dagaz. Deriving strength and robustness from my family, I can be reborn into a new period of creativity. By being reborn, I will receive a breakthrough in my recovery from my brain injury.

 From “Relationships” to “Sex Life” to “Ideals and Dreams” flow Nauthiz, Othila, and Mannaz. Because of the obstacles of learning social cues, I need to be in contact with my Ancestors. From them, I receive a sense of belonging. Now I can support and be supported by my community. 

 From “Ambitions and Aspirations,” “Friendships,” and the “Sub-conscious” flows Wunjo, Jera, and Kenaz. Since I seek harmony, I will harvest good friendships. With the help of my friends, my subconscious will be illuminated to me. 

 The Triads present a cycle building up to confirm that my struggles in relating with others will be rewarded. The connections between me and other people will improve. As long as I honor the Gods and the Ancestors, I will have a synthesis of vitality and testing which will help me overcome my ordeals in communication.

 The Runes for communication and relationships includes Isa and Nauthiz, reflecting my handicap. However, balancing this out is Jera, which tells me that if I am patient, I will reap a good harvest. Meanwhile, the Runes of self and the subconscious is Ansuz and Kenaz, which says to me that the Gods will connect me to myself. Adding to this is my sex life denoted by Othila, the Ancestral Home. My life may be in flux now, but this is necessary for me to achieve a breakthrough as denoted by Berkano and Dagaz.