“Who calls the cattle from Tethys?”
Who indeed? Who does the cattle listen to? Who commands cattle and men? The One who knows the ages of the moon. The One who knows the place of sunset.
“On whom does Tethys smile?”
On the Boar of Boldness. On the wind on sea, on the One who fills the head with fire. Tethys smiles on the fair and wise.
“Who is the Troop?”
Who indeed? The Troop of men? The troop of the fairy folk?. The Troop of all? I am the roar of Sea. I am Lake on Plain. I am all this and more.
“Who is the One who places infections in Blades?
...enchantments on the Spear?
....enchantments of Wind?”
The Bull of Seven Fights. The Dewdrop. I am One who does all. I am Spirit of all. I am on whom Tethys smiles.
The Entire Poem
I am Wind on Sea,
I am Ocean-wave,
I am Roar of Sea,
I am Bull of Seven Fights,
I am Hawk on Cliff,
I am Dewdrop,
I am Fairest of Flowers,
I am Boar for Boldness,
I am Salmon in Pool,
I am Lake on Plain,
I am a Mountain in a Man,
I am a Word of Skill,
I am the Point of a Weapon,
A weapon fierce in battle,
I am One who fills the Head with Fire.
Who makes smooth the rugged mountain?
Who knows the ages of the Moon?
Who knows the place of the Sunset?
Who calls the Cattle from House of Tethys?
On whom does Tethys smile?
Who is the Troop?
Who is the One who places infection on Blades?
Enchantments on the Spear?
Enchantments of Wind?
(From the Lebor Gabala Erenn, The Book of the Taking of Ireland, Part V, R.A.S. Macalister, trans. and ed., London, Irish Texts Society, 1956. Some lines are revised.)
This is a blog about nature in all her glory. The folklore and general ideas about what messages nature bring to people.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
"The Song of Amergin" - My Meditation (part 2)

“I am Salmon in Pool”
I am the wisdom of ages. Navigate the currents of life with me. Go into the world; swim the oceans and rivers. Return home to quiet pools. I am the circle of life.
“I am Lake on Plain”
Dive into me, discover the Otherworld. Look up my still waters and seek wisdom. I am the mirror to the soul.
“I am a Mountain in a Man.”
I am the giant of the earth. I am father to the sky. I am mother to the earth. Raise your eyes to the skies and see me.
“I am a Word of Skill,”
I am knowledge. I am tradition, culture, wisdom. Come with me, down the pathways of knowing and understand.
“I am the Point of a Weapon....A weapon fierce in battle.”
I sing the song of bloodlust. Join me in victory. Join me in battle. Like steel in fire, I make all stronger.
“I am One who fills the Head with Fire.”
I inspire the poet and warrior. Feel the fire in the blood of the spirit, of the mind. Burn brightly in me.
“Who makes smooth the rugged mountain?”
Who set the stars in the sky? Who put the fire into men’s souls. Who is the One?
“Who knows the ages of the moon?”
Who knows the age? The Salmon in the pool. The Boar of Boldness. The land, and the sea. The stars and sun know.
“Who knows the place of sunset?”
Who knows where goes the sun? “I do,” says the sky. “I do,” says the earth. Hear us.
(Picture copyright by Maryann Sterling)
I offer mythic journeys and more at my site "Inner Journeys"
Friday, February 23, 2007
"The Song of Amergin" - My Meditation (part 1)
According to legend, Amergin was one of the leaders of the “Men of Mil”, who battled the Tuatha De’ Danann for possession of Ireland. Amergin invokes the power of the land before stepping on the shore. He claims the elements and displays his power of them. Amergin joins himself with the Spirit of the Cosmos. After reciting his song, the wind died down and the Men of Mil won the day.
“I am wind on sea.”
I am the wild wind blowing over the sea. The sea calls the wind. Together, we move the waves and tides.
“I am ocean wave.”
I am wind on sea, ocean wave.I am who I am – the wave that covers the land; the wave that is the border of the between places. I am the tide that goes in and goes out.
“I am roar of sea.”
I am the mother of all life. I am the lifer giver and the life taker. I am the roar of the sea in a storm, the wind lapping the shore, the mighty wave cascading on the shore.
“I am Bull of Seven Fights.”
I am the primal strength and ferocity I invite you to the battle, to the fight, to stand your ground.
“I am Hawk on the Cliff.”
I swoop and deliver death in my murderous talons. I am the primal life force. Join me in the skies.
“I am Dewdrop.”
I am a force of nature, of life giving water. In the loudest roar is the softest dewdrop. I am gentle power.
“I am Fairest of Flowers.”
I am beauty amid death. I am the respite between the primal forces of life and death. I am the blossom of beauty from earth and water.
“I am Boar for Boldness”
I am the ruler of the forest; the dread animal that hunters fear. Embrace my fierceness and ferociousness. Enter into my fearlessness.
I offer "mythic journeys" at my website: Inner Journeys
“I am wind on sea.”
I am the wild wind blowing over the sea. The sea calls the wind. Together, we move the waves and tides.
“I am ocean wave.”
I am wind on sea, ocean wave.I am who I am – the wave that covers the land; the wave that is the border of the between places. I am the tide that goes in and goes out.
“I am roar of sea.”
I am the mother of all life. I am the lifer giver and the life taker. I am the roar of the sea in a storm, the wind lapping the shore, the mighty wave cascading on the shore.
“I am Bull of Seven Fights.”
I am the primal strength and ferocity I invite you to the battle, to the fight, to stand your ground.
“I am Hawk on the Cliff.”
I swoop and deliver death in my murderous talons. I am the primal life force. Join me in the skies.
“I am Dewdrop.”
I am a force of nature, of life giving water. In the loudest roar is the softest dewdrop. I am gentle power.
“I am Fairest of Flowers.”
I am beauty amid death. I am the respite between the primal forces of life and death. I am the blossom of beauty from earth and water.
“I am Boar for Boldness”
I am the ruler of the forest; the dread animal that hunters fear. Embrace my fierceness and ferociousness. Enter into my fearlessness.
I offer "mythic journeys" at my website: Inner Journeys
Thursday, February 22, 2007
More Pagan Holidays - Imbolc and Yule

For many Neo-Pagans, Imbolc is the day of the Celtic Goddess Brighid, who represents the young sun. This High Day celebrates the coming of spring. The days are noticeably longer and signs of spring are beginning to show. For Imbolc, people cleaned their homes, celebrated the coming spring, and prepared for the planting season.
Since my hearth culture is Roman, my problem lies in capturing the essence of Imbolc in the Roman High Days. For Romans, February is a month of purification to prepare for the New Year in March. However, several festivals do combine to match the theme of the Celtic Imbolc.
The ancestors (Manes) were honored during Parentalia. Meanwhile, Qurinalia focused on the honoring of the citizens of Rome, the children of Quirinus. Lupercalia, sacred to Faunus, was a festival of much revelry and purification. His priests ran through the streets striking women with strips of goat’s skins, to encourage fertility. Later in the month was Fornicalia, honoring Fornax, the Goddess of Ovens and Bakers. During Her Festival, grains from the previous harvests were roasted in the ancient manner in ovens. This combination of purification, sexual revelry, and roasting grains captures the essence of Imbolc in the Roman hearth culture.
I have always enjoyed Groundhog Day, which oddly enough has its basis in German and Roman pagan practices. I have fun in watching the groundhog do his prediction. Spring is coming, and I need to get ready for it.
Neo-Pagans celebrate the Winter Solstice as the shortest day and the longest night. This time is a time of fun and community building. People come together offering cheer and good will to each other. Doing sacred activities that echo down the ages, they light fires, bring in the holly, and decorate trees.
For the Norse, Yule was the holiest of the High Days. During the longest night of the year, the Gods were the closest to the people of Midgard. The Disir (female ancestors) were honored on this night called Mother’s Night. No spinning or weaving was done for the next twelve nights. At Yule, oaths were sworn, and the Runes read. The Yule Log burned all through this period.
In Rome, the Golden Age of Saturn was celebrated as the Saturnalia. During Saturn’s Rule of Latium, perfect harmony and prosperity existed as one. During Saturnalia, citizens causally mingled with slaves, freedmen, and foreigners. It was a time of partying and fun. The religious rite that opened Saturnalia was the removing of the woolen bands of Saturn’s statue. Then the statue was refreshed with oil. At the end of Saturnalia, the statue was wrapped again. At that time, Ianus (Janus) ruled the New Year. Saturnalia was the time of endings and beginnings.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Believe in the Improbable! (part two)
Platypus’s Teachings Also Include:
“We now know it’s real
Though I can’t help but feel
That from trail tip to muzzle,
It is still a puzzle.
Copyright: R. Suahan, “The Incomplete Book of Australian Mammals”.
“The platypus continues to lead its quiet life in the rivers of eastern Australia. Rippling its way in a thousand streams on far mountain slopes, in creeks and reservoirs, near towns and cities, it remains private and illusive. A new century for the platypus has arrived. Wonder remains, and delight. Swimming and diving quietly across time, the platypus smiles.” Copyright: Ann Proyal, “Platypus”
Platypus’s Wisdom Includes:
Seeing the World with Delight and Wonder
Possessing Inner Sight
Balancing Energy
Moving Through the World of Mystery and Dreams
Move To Your Own Personal Rhythms
Science note: Male Duck-billed Platypus has a poisonous spur on the inner side of his hind legs to inflict wounds on his enemies. Shrews are the only other Mammals that can poison their enemies.
Conservation Note: Protected in Australia, and is restricted to that country.
“We now know it’s real
Though I can’t help but feel
That from trail tip to muzzle,
It is still a puzzle.
Copyright: R. Suahan, “The Incomplete Book of Australian Mammals”.
“The platypus continues to lead its quiet life in the rivers of eastern Australia. Rippling its way in a thousand streams on far mountain slopes, in creeks and reservoirs, near towns and cities, it remains private and illusive. A new century for the platypus has arrived. Wonder remains, and delight. Swimming and diving quietly across time, the platypus smiles.” Copyright: Ann Proyal, “Platypus”
Platypus’s Wisdom Includes:
Seeing the World with Delight and Wonder
Possessing Inner Sight
Balancing Energy
Moving Through the World of Mystery and Dreams
Move To Your Own Personal Rhythms
Science note: Male Duck-billed Platypus has a poisonous spur on the inner side of his hind legs to inflict wounds on his enemies. Shrews are the only other Mammals that can poison their enemies.
Conservation Note: Protected in Australia, and is restricted to that country.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Believe in the Improbable! (part one)

When Duck-billed Platypus was exhibited in England in the 1700s, people thought that He was a fake. Some prankster must have sewn a duck’s beak on a beaver’s body. For ninety years, He confounded biologists. What was Duck-billed Platypus: Bird? Mammal? Reptile? The answer to that question was beyond belief! He and Echidna are the only egg-laying mammals (Monotremes) to have survived from prehistoric times. Today, this playful, aquatic Mammal is a symbol of Australia.
When Duck-billed Platypus was exhibited in England in the 1700s, people thought that He was a fake. Some prankster must have sewn a duck’s beak on a beaver’s body. For ninety years, He confounded biologists. What was Duck-billed Platypus: Bird? Mammal? Reptile? The answer to that question was beyond belief! He and Echidna are the only egg-laying mammals (Monotremes) to have survived from prehistoric times. Today, this playful, aquatic Mammal is a symbol of Australia.
A fossil tooth of a platypus was found in southern Argentina, dating from 61 million years ago. According to paleontologists, Platypuses have been living in Australia for 25 millions years. However, the answers to their survival in modern times remain to be discovered. While people ponder these ancient mysteries, Duck-billed Platypuses continue on as They always have for millions of years, hopeful that They will thrive.
An avid swimmer, Duck-billed Platypus sweeps the gravelly bottom of a slow moving river with his sensitive muzzle looking for Worms. Covered by thousands of sense organs that detect electricity, his rubbery bill acts as an extra pair of eyes. When Duck-billed Platypus dives, He closes his eyes, ears, and nostrils. As He swims along, Duck-billed Platypus fills his cheek pouches with food. When his pouches are full, He surfaces to eat. Since He has no teeth, Duck-bill Platypus grinds his food with gravel.
After mating, Mother Duck-billed Platypus digs her nest at the river’s edge, just above the water’s surface. With her thick nails, She makes her nesting burrow. Mother Duck-billed Platypus lines her burrow with leaves and grass. There She lays two eggs (the size of marbles) and snugly holds Them between her tail and belly. While She incubates her Eggs, Mother Duck-billed Platypus does not leave her nest. In about two weeks, the eggs hatch, and her Puggles (babies) make their way through their mother’s fur to nurse.
Once thought to be a hoax, Duck-billed Platypus proves that improbable things can be true. An effective hunter, He uses his extraordinary rubbery beak to find Worms and Snails at the river’s bottom. With his flexible body, Duck-billed Platypus squeezes through narrow spaces to get to Snails. He demonstrates that even an active imagination can pale when compared to reality
Monday, February 19, 2007
Hummingbird Meditation

Hi! Welcome to my garden! Come flitter about with me. Drink from the sweetness of life. Be quick now! We have lots of flowers to visit. Bugs to eat. Dew to splash in. Come let’s frolic in the sunshine!
Dance among the flowers with me. Sip the nectar from each bloom. Catch the bugs in mid-air. Enjoy the bright morning with me. Preen your feathers and relax in the warm sun. I am a tiny jewel with a heart of a warrior. I am bold in what I do. What do I care if I am small? I enjoy my life.
Carry my confidence inside of you. Enjoy the miracle of life. Do not be afraid. Become the bright jewel you are meant to be. Fill your life with wonder and happiness.
Return with me to the Spiral Path. Leave my meadow and enter your world. Hum when you feel sad. I will come and brighten your heart. Honor me by keeping birds safe from cats. Help me by planting flowers for my long journey.
If you want more empowerments from the animals, visit my site:
Sunday, February 18, 2007
My meditation begins with divination. Depending on the season, it could be a layout of Tarot, Oracle cards, Runes, stones, or Ogham staves. (In the summer, I go on a nature walk and commune with the animals I encounter.) This helps me to attune to worlds beyond this one. For me it helps to flow with the energies of the season for the purposes of meditating.
I begin by laying out my divination cloth. Then I light a candle and stare at the flame to clear my mind. Once I do the spread, I study the omen. Then, I flow into the world of the spread and listen to the whispers. As that world of the Kindred is laid out before me, I hear their whispers and murmurs.
Since Yule time is when the Norse Gods are the closest to Midgard, I use the Runes. For me, the laying of the Runes is entering into the world of the Gods. Odin the All-Father, obtained the Runes at a great cost. Before laying out the Runes, I ask the Norns to help with my choosing.
The Runes are an alphabet, forming words that give insights from the Gods. Within each word are layers of meanings that create a sentence. In the depths of the sentences, whisper the voices of the Norse Gods, revealing Their Thoughts.
Also in winter, I use stones. Because this is the season of introspection and quiet, I can hear their voices without distraction. When they sing, “pick me”, I take the stones from a pouch. Then, I “throw” them and watch where they land on a layout of compass directions. (Each direction has a meaning: North-spirit, East-mind, South-body, and West-emotions.) Then I ask each one what they have to say to me. The stones tell me through their colors, shapes, and how they twinkle. I enter their world, and hear their songs. I discover their personalities as well. For example, uptight malachite sings its advice in a clear tenor.
In spring, life awakens from its slumbers and comes alive. The first to make themselves known are the flowers. Therefore, I use the “Flower Speak” and “Flower Spirit” oracle cards. “Flower Speak” employs pictures, while “Flower Spirit” uses photos to convey their meanings.
In the beautiful photos of “Flower Spirits”, the author has portrayed ‘the essence of each flower. I use these cards in early spring to remind myself of the world that awaits me. Because the deck is divided into annuals, perennials, bulbs, and wild flowers, this adds the dimension of various timelines. When I do a spread, it becomes a riot of color and movement. Each picture melds into the next, as the flowers dance and weave. I join them in their spirited dance.
The Flower Oracle has beautiful drawings of flowers with their representative meanings. The deck also includes the phases of the moon, and the phases of plant growth. This gives a sense of time of what is yet to come and how it arrives. In each spread, I travel from card to card absorbing the energy of each card.
In the summer, I go outside on a nature walk. On my morning walk, I encounter a wide variety of animals. I generally stop and commune with them. For example, encountering a garden snake, I stop and quietly breathe with the snake. In and out I breathe until I become one with the snake. Seeing life on the snake’s level, we converse about the warm sunshine and the local rat population.
On another morning, I watch the dragonflies at the forest edge. When a dragonfly alit on the fence, I started breathing with the dragonfly. Breathing in unison, I became a dragonfly, glowing bright blue and green. I flew with the other dragonflies eating insects on the wing.
In the fall, the trees change their leaves. To me, they speak about the passing of summer and the coming of winter. In this moment, time stands still. Therefore, I choose the Ogham staves and “Tree Magick” Cards to meditate with.
As the sacred alphabet of the Celts, the Ogham is related to the trees and plants of Europe. As I lay out the Ogham staves, I hear the voices of the Kindred murmuring through the trees. The Ogham letters form words in tree language. Elms speak of stretching to the sun, while oaks talk of strength. As I meander among the staves, I feel the Divine Ones speak to me.
In “Tree Magick”, the trees of the world are separated into ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ trees. Also, each card has a tree with an animal about it. In exploring the world of each card, I enter into the being of the tree. Using this deck becomes a way of exploring the Two Powers, especially when the heaven and earth trees come together. Moving from earth to heaven (and back again) helps me to embrace and mingle the Two Powers. The trees merge their energies into a whirlpool. I become a leaf flowing in the pool, going where the trees take me. Finally I release the energy and come back to me.
My meditation begins with divination. Depending on the season, it could be a layout of Tarot, Oracle cards, Runes, stones, or Ogham staves. (In the summer, I go on a nature walk and commune with the animals I encounter.) This helps me to attune to worlds beyond this one. For me it helps to flow with the energies of the season for the purposes of meditating.
I begin by laying out my divination cloth. Then I light a candle and stare at the flame to clear my mind. Once I do the spread, I study the omen. Then, I flow into the world of the spread and listen to the whispers. As that world of the Kindred is laid out before me, I hear their whispers and murmurs.
Since Yule time is when the Norse Gods are the closest to Midgard, I use the Runes. For me, the laying of the Runes is entering into the world of the Gods. Odin the All-Father, obtained the Runes at a great cost. Before laying out the Runes, I ask the Norns to help with my choosing.
The Runes are an alphabet, forming words that give insights from the Gods. Within each word are layers of meanings that create a sentence. In the depths of the sentences, whisper the voices of the Norse Gods, revealing Their Thoughts.
Also in winter, I use stones. Because this is the season of introspection and quiet, I can hear their voices without distraction. When they sing, “pick me”, I take the stones from a pouch. Then, I “throw” them and watch where they land on a layout of compass directions. (Each direction has a meaning: North-spirit, East-mind, South-body, and West-emotions.) Then I ask each one what they have to say to me. The stones tell me through their colors, shapes, and how they twinkle. I enter their world, and hear their songs. I discover their personalities as well. For example, uptight malachite sings its advice in a clear tenor.
In spring, life awakens from its slumbers and comes alive. The first to make themselves known are the flowers. Therefore, I use the “Flower Speak” and “Flower Spirit” oracle cards. “Flower Speak” employs pictures, while “Flower Spirit” uses photos to convey their meanings.
In the beautiful photos of “Flower Spirits”, the author has portrayed ‘the essence of each flower. I use these cards in early spring to remind myself of the world that awaits me. Because the deck is divided into annuals, perennials, bulbs, and wild flowers, this adds the dimension of various timelines. When I do a spread, it becomes a riot of color and movement. Each picture melds into the next, as the flowers dance and weave. I join them in their spirited dance.
The Flower Oracle has beautiful drawings of flowers with their representative meanings. The deck also includes the phases of the moon, and the phases of plant growth. This gives a sense of time of what is yet to come and how it arrives. In each spread, I travel from card to card absorbing the energy of each card.
In the summer, I go outside on a nature walk. On my morning walk, I encounter a wide variety of animals. I generally stop and commune with them. For example, encountering a garden snake, I stop and quietly breathe with the snake. In and out I breathe until I become one with the snake. Seeing life on the snake’s level, we converse about the warm sunshine and the local rat population.
On another morning, I watch the dragonflies at the forest edge. When a dragonfly alit on the fence, I started breathing with the dragonfly. Breathing in unison, I became a dragonfly, glowing bright blue and green. I flew with the other dragonflies eating insects on the wing.
In the fall, the trees change their leaves. To me, they speak about the passing of summer and the coming of winter. In this moment, time stands still. Therefore, I choose the Ogham staves and “Tree Magick” Cards to meditate with.
As the sacred alphabet of the Celts, the Ogham is related to the trees and plants of Europe. As I lay out the Ogham staves, I hear the voices of the Kindred murmuring through the trees. The Ogham letters form words in tree language. Elms speak of stretching to the sun, while oaks talk of strength. As I meander among the staves, I feel the Divine Ones speak to me.
In “Tree Magick”, the trees of the world are separated into ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ trees. Also, each card has a tree with an animal about it. In exploring the world of each card, I enter into the being of the tree. Using this deck becomes a way of exploring the Two Powers, especially when the heaven and earth trees come together. Moving from earth to heaven (and back again) helps me to embrace and mingle the Two Powers. The trees merge their energies into a whirlpool. I become a leaf flowing in the pool, going where the trees take me. Finally I release the energy and come back to me.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Bat Family: Facing the Shadows
The Bat Family (The Order Chiroptera) accounts for one fifth of the mammal species on earth. The only Mammals on earth to fly, Bat Family is divided into two groups – Megachiroptera, the large Fruit Bats of the Old World, and Microchiroptera, the smaller Bats that people know worldwide.
Known as “Flying Foxes”, Megachiroptera have foxlike faces with large eyes. Flying with steady wing beats, Flying Foxes rely on their sense of smell and sight to navigate. With wide spans the size of a small adult, These Bats, also, use their wings as flippers for swimming. Flying Foxes feed on fruit, pollen, and nectar.
Vital to the forests they live in, They promote the growth of new plants.
Microchiroptera hunt at night, using echolocation to locate Insects. In addition, these Bats eat fruit and pollen. They roost in caves, under bridges, any place where the temperature of the air remains stable.
Bats are social animals living in huge colonies. In their colonies, They have Nurseries for Mothers and Pups. Contrary to superstitions, Bats do not become entangled in people’s hair. Exceptionally long lived for small Mammals, Bats will enter a state of torpor to conserve energy.
In Western countries, Bats thought are symbols of desolation and the underworld. One reason is because They could not be classified as any known animal. In the Medieval European mind, this is in violation of God’s Laws. However, in China, Bats bring good luck and happiness. In fact, the Chinese word “fu” means either “bat” or “blessings”.
Fear of bats is fear of the shadows. Bats teach you to face your fears. They navigate through dark places with their echolocation. Bats can be your guides through the known places of your fears.
Bat Family’s Wisdom Includes:
Listen to Echoes
Finding New Understandings
Living in Cities
Finding Your Way in Unfamiliar Places
Developing a Fresh Outlook and Perspective
Conservation Note: Many bat species are endangered.
Known as “Flying Foxes”, Megachiroptera have foxlike faces with large eyes. Flying with steady wing beats, Flying Foxes rely on their sense of smell and sight to navigate. With wide spans the size of a small adult, These Bats, also, use their wings as flippers for swimming. Flying Foxes feed on fruit, pollen, and nectar.
Vital to the forests they live in, They promote the growth of new plants.
Microchiroptera hunt at night, using echolocation to locate Insects. In addition, these Bats eat fruit and pollen. They roost in caves, under bridges, any place where the temperature of the air remains stable.
Bats are social animals living in huge colonies. In their colonies, They have Nurseries for Mothers and Pups. Contrary to superstitions, Bats do not become entangled in people’s hair. Exceptionally long lived for small Mammals, Bats will enter a state of torpor to conserve energy.
In Western countries, Bats thought are symbols of desolation and the underworld. One reason is because They could not be classified as any known animal. In the Medieval European mind, this is in violation of God’s Laws. However, in China, Bats bring good luck and happiness. In fact, the Chinese word “fu” means either “bat” or “blessings”.
Fear of bats is fear of the shadows. Bats teach you to face your fears. They navigate through dark places with their echolocation. Bats can be your guides through the known places of your fears.
Bat Family’s Wisdom Includes:
Listen to Echoes
Finding New Understandings
Living in Cities
Finding Your Way in Unfamiliar Places
Developing a Fresh Outlook and Perspective
Conservation Note: Many bat species are endangered.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Animal Divination
Divination Systems of Animals
Animals are a part of the practice of divination, in which deities, or powers other than human, will communicate with humanity. For example, the Africans believe that once, a long time ago, mice could speak. Living on the ground, mice are in close contact with the all-knowing forest spirits. (In turn, these spirits are in close contact with the Ancestors.) Although mice cannot talk today, they do convey messages from the Ancestors and forest spirits to the people.
Types of Animal Divinations
Apantomancy – Divination interpreted by chance encounters with animals
Felidomancy – Divination though the observation of felines, including domestic and wild cats
Hippomancy – Divination involving the behavior of horses
Ichthyomancy – Divination by observing fish in and out of water and by examining the internal organs of fish
Myomancy – Divination by observing the behavior of rats or mice
Ophimancy – Divination by observing the behavior of snakes
Ornithomancy – Divination by the observance of flying birds or through bird’s songs
Theriomancy – Divination by studying the behavior of animals
Zoomancy – Divination by observing the behavior of animals
Animals are a part of the practice of divination, in which deities, or powers other than human, will communicate with humanity. For example, the Africans believe that once, a long time ago, mice could speak. Living on the ground, mice are in close contact with the all-knowing forest spirits. (In turn, these spirits are in close contact with the Ancestors.) Although mice cannot talk today, they do convey messages from the Ancestors and forest spirits to the people.
Types of Animal Divinations
Apantomancy – Divination interpreted by chance encounters with animals
Felidomancy – Divination though the observation of felines, including domestic and wild cats
Hippomancy – Divination involving the behavior of horses
Ichthyomancy – Divination by observing fish in and out of water and by examining the internal organs of fish
Myomancy – Divination by observing the behavior of rats or mice
Ophimancy – Divination by observing the behavior of snakes
Ornithomancy – Divination by the observance of flying birds or through bird’s songs
Theriomancy – Divination by studying the behavior of animals
Zoomancy – Divination by observing the behavior of animals
Friday, February 09, 2007
Mythic Animals: The Quest

Courting. First start by contemplating mythic animals, and acknowledge that they exist. Find out more about the mythic animal before contacting. Some are deceptive while others are dangerous.
Make a Shrine. To invite mythic animals into your life, make a place for them.
Seeking. First seek out your Guardian Animal. They will guide you to the animals that will work with humans. Listen to your Guardian on how to contact any mythic animal.
Calling. Work within a ritual because you need a meeting place with boundaries. Approach with great care, since some are tricky and will take advantage of you. Be clear on what you want to do.

Working With Mythic Animals. Feel the mythic animal touching you, and go in harmony with them. Have an open mind and be willing to find new ways to communicate with them.
Talisman. Carry a talisman with their energy. Use this between encounters.
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