In my adventures with the Zodiac, I often compare what is written for Virgo with the personalities of myself, my brother, my girlfriend, and my mother-in-law. With the exception of my mother-in-law, we were all born on the same day (different years). However, all of us were born in the same month.
The short description for Virgo, our sign, fits us in some ways but are wildly off in others. My girlfriend is analytical and conscientious, but is also an artist who paints bright abstracts. While my bother is meticulous and exacting, he is also a successful salesman. My sociable brother enjoys selling road paving services to local governments. Like my brother, I am sociable, and enjoy vending my jewelry at fairs. In my approach to the world at large, I use logic and reason.
Because the three of us were born at the end of Virgo, I looked up the descriptions for Libra, the next sign. Because we are all sociable, we also value harmony in our relations. Perhaps the stars are like the moon, which waxes and wanes in power. Since Libra is rising and Virgo is setting, we are a mix of these signs.
Meanwhile my mother-in-law who was born earlier in the month had the characteristics of Virgo and Leo. Conscientious and meticulous, she was also a drama queen and quite vain, as well. In her case, Leo was setting and Virgo rising. The strong characteristics of Leo carried over to Virgo.
The attributes for Virgo fit us as a group, but not as individuals. My brother approaches life using his gut feelings. Meanwhile, my analytical girlfriend’s home is a mess. I am sloppy in my finances. My meticulous mother-in-law bounded from thing to thing with no forethought.

Descriptions of Selected Signs of the Zodiac
Leo: Dignity, power, vanity. Dramatic, flamboyant, broad-minded, warm.
Virgo: Reason, logic, exactitude. Conscientious, analytical, meticulous.
Libra: Harmony, evaluation, trivialities. Refined, fair, just, sociable.
(Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Grimore for the Apprentice Wizard, 2004, page 281.)
Copyright Virginia Carper, 2009, animalteachers @ gmail.com