The Star That Never Walks Around
by Stella Bennett
This deck takes its name from the Lakota (Sioux) name for Polaris, the North Star, which is the Star That Never Walks Around. The Plains Indian People regarded the North Star as the healer and guide of all the stars and humans. According to the Lakota People, this star watches over all the stars and people from its fixed position at all times. With this tarot deck, you are guided by the Star That Never Walks Around.
The round cards add depth to a reading. The turning of the cards tells you what phase of the Moon they are in, the seasons of the year, and the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel. A card facing left is in the waxing part of the moon, which means its message is gaining strength. Left is also the West, where the sun sets, and the season of the fall. This means the influence of the card will be more in the fall of the year in a Birthday Spread.
The High Priestess:
The High Priestess stands in the reflection of the waxing Moon, which brings new things to light and reveals that which has been hidden. In her right hand, she holds the Moon's energies, bringing her intuitive and psychic abilities to light. With her left hand, she gives the stars to those who are willing and open to receive them. The High Priestess seeks her light from within, and relies on her intuitive nature.
Copyright: Virginia Carper, 2009