Vulture is the common name for two different groups of carrion-eating Birds. The Vultures of the New World may be relatives of Storks, while the Vultures of the Old World are relatives of Hawks. The two Vulture groups are a good example of convergent evolution-–similar species evolving from totally different origins.
Efficient scavengers and fliers, Vultures feed on carrion. Flying after the ground has warmed up, Vultures soar using air thermals to find food. When They find a dead animal, Vultures feed communally, usually eating enough food to sustain Themselves for a week. Since their stomachs have elastic walls, Vultures can consume a large amount of food. They provide a vital service in nature by feeding on dead and dying animals.
Vulture may have a sinister appearance, but She plays a helpful role in the ecology. Adapted for feeding on the flesh of dead animals, this adept scavenger acts as a natural garbage collector. By discovering and then picking clean rotting carcasses, Vulture helps to eliminate a potential source of disease.
Both groups of Vultures teach purification. They eat dead animals ridding the earth of potential disease carriers. Vultures cleanse and restore Nature to her original state. They teach how to clean up messes that you and others have made. Not only that, They also teach how to return everything back to its natural state. Learn from Vulture, all aspects of purification.
This is a blog about nature in all her glory. The folklore and general ideas about what messages nature bring to people.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Red-Tailed Hawk: Commonsense
A member of the Buteo family of Soaring Hawks, Red-Tailed Hawk is seen perched on treetops and utility poles. Spotting prey, She dives to grasp the animal in her talons. Hunting Small Mammals, Red-Tailed Hawk searches for Voles, her favorite food. In the cities, She eats Cats and Pigeons.
Red-Tailed Hawk uses guile to hunt Rattlesnake. Looking large and threatening, She walks towards Him with her wings outstretched. As Red-Tailed Hawk closes in on Rattlesnake, She brings her wing tips to the front. When He strikes her bloodless wing tips, She strikes with her talons, catching Rattlesnake below the head.
Although Red-Tailed Hawk prefers life in the uplands, She will live in cities. Wherever She lives, Red-Tailed Hawk builds her nest at the forest’s edge or in large trees surrounded by open areas. With Her mate, She fiercely defends their nest against intruders to her nest and territory. However, if Great Horned Owl wants her nest, Red-Tailed Hawk will move to a new nest site. In spite of this, She will use the same nest, which Great Horned Owl took, the following year.
To the Pueblo Peoples, Red-Tailed Hawk was endowed with the same qualities as Eagle. Because She was a messenger of spirit, they called Her “Red Eagle”. Through her flight, Red-Tailed Hawk communicated messages from the Great Mystery. In addition, She brought the rains and the waters necessary for life.
Red-Tailed Hawk teaches commonsense. She uses her commonsense in living with Great Horned Owl. Instead of fighting with the formidable Owl, She prudently decides to not contest His claim. When She hunts Rattlesnakes, Red-Tailed Hawk uses the least vulnerable part of her body. In all She does, Red-Tailed Hawk employs commonsense. She urges you to think before tackling the Great Horned Owl in your life.
Friday, November 05, 2010
The shy European Adder is the only venomous Snake who lives in cold climates. Living around the Arctic Circle, He shares his winter den (hibernaculum) with thirty or more Snakes. Sometimes other Reptiles will join Them. (His den is usually a burrow of another animal.)
Known for his “mating dance”, European Adder does ritual combat with other Males. Facing his rival, He will lift the front of his body off the ground. Swaying from side to side, the two Adders wrap Themselves around the other. In a snake version of arm wrestling, each Snake tries to force the other to the ground. Finally, the exhausted Male lands on the ground and slinks off. Afterwards, the victorious Male will mate with Female European Adder.
This ritualized combat became known as “Adder Dancing”. According to British folklore, on May’s eve, European Adders met for a battle royal. Writhing and hissing, the multitude of fighting Snakes covered the battleground with the froth from their battle.
Lying in the midst of the battlefield is the “Adder Stone. The name of this round pale green stone is the “Glain Neidr” (the Glass of the Serpents). Since this stone contains great power, the possessor of it will be victorious over their enemies.
European Adder is a warrior. He fights with other Males, but no one dies needlessly. During his battle royal, a precious gem is formed. When spying a human, European Adder will flee instead of forcing a confrontation. Learn the positive aspects of being a warrior from European Adder. Fight only when you need to.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
VIPER FAMILY (Viperidae): Appreciate Your Talents
Vipers (Adders, Copperheads, Cottonmouths, and Rattlesnakes) are the Snakes that people of the Northern Hemisphere are the most acquainted with. Found nearly everywhere except in Australia and various islands countries, these stocky Snakes live in cold regions as well. Usually identified by their triangular heads and short tails, Vipers, also, have long-hinged fangs unlike Cobras.
Another difference between Cobras and Vipers is their venom. To cause death in their victims, the venom of Cobras paralyzes the muscles. Meanwhile, Viper venom causes the collapse of blood pressure of their prey. Since Vipers have weak digestive system, their venom also breaks down the proteins as well in the victim’s body.
Scientists have divided the Viper Family into several groups. Found in the mountains of Asia, Fea’s Vipers (Azemiopinae) flatten their bodies to make Themselves wider. One of the most primitive of Vipers is the Night Adder (Causinae). Meanwhile, Pit Vipers (Crotalinae) have a heat sensitive organ (pit) between their eyes and nostrils. This pit organ gives Them a sixth sense, a sort of primitive eye, which aids these Snakes in finding their prey. True Vipers or Pitless Vipers (Viperinae) include the Adders, Bush Vipers, Horned Vipers, and Puff Adders. Since these Snakes have a better tolerance for cold than most Snakes, They can live within the Arctic Circle.
Scientists have noticed that various Vipers make decisions about using their venom on their prey. By considering a multitude of factors, Each Snake figures how much to inject. They usually assess the prey’s species, size, and threat level. For instance, a large animal may not require as much as a smaller one, depending on the species.
Appreciate your talents teaches the Viper Family. Pit Vipers use their “sixth sense” to hunt their prey. Tolerating the cold, Common Adders burrow deep into the earth during Arctic winters to survive. Furthermore, many Vipers use their intelligence to decide how much venom to inject into their victims. Appreciate your talents and use them well.
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