BARRED OWL: Being A “Generalist”
Barred Owl is a great actor. Using his voice to great effect, He startles others with a loud and resounding hoot. Barred Owl may seem imposing, but He is actually quite harmless.
As the most benign of Owls, Barred Owl reassures others with his charm and grace. With his big round head and black eyes, He is the prototypical Owl of fairy tales and children’s picture books. His melodious call “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?” often elicits positive feelings.
Called “Barred”, this Owl has horizontal barring on his chest and vertical bars on his stomach. He is abundant in wetlands, swamps, and second growth forests. Not fussy at all, Barred Owl will use hollow trees or abandoned squirrel nests to raise his Owlets in. He eats anything He finds from Fish to Lizards to Rabbits. Barred Owl’s scientific name, Strix varia (“Diverse Owl”), reflects his diverse nature. People’s names for Him also reflect this. They also call Him: Swamp Owl, Hoot Owl, Eight Hooter, Wood and Rain Owl.
Barred Owl teaches the value of being a “generalist”. Instead of relying on one area to live in or one animal to prey upon, He lives almost anywhere He can and eats whatever He finds. Even as people modified the land, Barred Owl expanded his range and his numbers. Learn how to be a “generalist” from Barred Owl.
Barred Owl’s Teachings Includes:
Using Your Voice to Great Effect
How to be a Good Actor
Reassuring People
How to Be Charming
Having an Affinity With Children
Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2009
From Universal Class, fun self-paced classes taught by me:
Finding Your Animal Teachers
Animals For Everyone: Mammals
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