Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Oxybelis fulgidus
Because of convergent evolution, there are two families of Vine Snakes.  Each fills the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.  The Oxybelis Family lives in Central and South America.  Meanwhile the Ahaetulla Family can be found in Asia and Pacific Islands.
            Resembling tree vines, Vine Snakes are well-suited for life amongst the trees.  With their pointed heads and extremely thin bodies, these Snakes are well-camouflaged in the forest canopy.  Staying on a high branch, They look down for unwary lizards.  Spying one, a Vine Snake will “yo-yo” down and stab their prey with venom.  Then half-way in mid-air, They raise their victim off the ground back to their tree branch.  As slow moving Snakes, Vines Snakes prefer camouflage and ambush hunting.
            Unlike other Snakes, Vine Snakes do not rely on movement to detect prey.  Instead They use their binocular vision to know the animal’s size and shape.  Like humans, Vine Snakes have eyes that function independently of each other.  Of the world’s snakes, They have the sharpest eyesight.
            Detection is what Vine Snakes do best.  With their eyes acting as binoculars, They can see anything that looks faint in the forest.  Vine Snakes rarely leave their trees to hunt on the ground, but instead They act as yo-yos, gliding up and down to their victims.  Learn from Vine Snakes how to use your senses to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes.  Develop you own powers of reasoning and keen eyesight.

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