Saturday, August 23, 2014


Native to Asia and the Congo Region of Africa, Peacock (Blue Peafowl) is a relative of the Pheasants. (The difference between the Two is their plumage–red and gold for Pheasants, green and blue for Peafowls.) As India’s National Bird, Peacock (AKA Male Blue Peafowl) is known the world over for his bright train of feathers. Because of this, Peacock has been introduced to other places, starting in Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago.

Displaying his train is part of Peacock’s courtship with the Peahens. The longer his train, the more impressed will Peahen be. Unlike her male counterpart, Peahen is chestnut brown and bronze green but has the same crest as Peacock.

Blue Peafowl are Birds of habit, eating and sleeping in the same area all their lives. Peacock even displays his train in the same chosen place. During the day, Blue Peafowl sit in thickets. At dusk, They return to the same watering hole before roosting for the night. As They go to their tree roosts, Blue Peafowl screech to each other.

Known for their screeching, Blue Peafowl hoot loud alarm calls when They see a Tiger. During the monsoon season in India, people hear loud meowing calls from Blue Peafowl. Indians claim that Blue Peafowl are predicting the next rainstorm with their calls.

Blue Peafowl teaches the love of home. They emerge from their area of the dense forest in early dawn to feed at their regular spot and find water. Then They go about feeding on Insects or Mice. At dusk, They return home. To Blue Peafowl, there is something comforting about being a homebody. (Just remember to have a little adventure in your life once in a while.)
Male Peafowl are Peacocks; Females Peahens; Chicks Peachicks.

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