Saturday, August 29, 2009

Canary: Joy in Service

“Canary” conjures up a vision of a yellow ball of fluff singing their heart out. He brings sunshine and happiness to wherever He is. For many, joy is synonymous with Canary.

In the wild, Canary is yellow green and grey-brown, instead of bright primary colors. His colors help Him to blend into his surroundings. However, his voice makes Him known to all.

Like other Finches, Canary lives in large flocks. Only during breeding season does He pairs off with his Mate. After choosing their nesting site, Canary collects the building materials. Then his Mate builds a neat nest. While She incubates their eggs, He feeds Her. Together, They raise their Chicks.

After being introduced to people, Canary has helped them in many ways. “Miners’ Canary” warns miners of seeping gasses, while “Climate Canary” tells people of bad air. Of course, “Singing Canary” brings joyful songs to all.

Greeting each day with hope and purpose, Canary shows us how to live a life filled with light and joy. Through helping people, He shows how service can be life-affirming. Learn joy in service from this small Bird. Remember not to overdo it or you may become an ill-fated “Miners’ Canary”.
Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers
To find your animal teacher, see my website: Animal Teachers

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