Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zebra Finch: Love of Music

One of the more common grass Finches in Australia, Zebra Finch stands out in his striking zebra stripes and red beak. As an extremely social Bird, He lives in closely knit flocks. So close are they that each Flock has their own bathing and preening site. In addition, a special tree with a “courting branch” is set aside for Zebra Finch and his Mate.

This hardy Bird can survive for weeks without water. In fact, Zebra Finch retains and reuses more water than what other Birds often lose in their urine. However, He often makes his home close to water. (To find nearby water, many hikers in the Outback often listen for his distinctive calls.)

What Zebra Finch is famous for are his songs. Dreaming in sound, He often composes his songs in his sleep. Moreover, Father Zebra Finch passes his songs on to his Sons. Each new “beep, meep, oi, a-acha” are carefully worked into the Sons’ complex songs that They will pass on.

Zebra Finch is a sterling example for musicians who want to further their musicianship. Like a virtuoso, He adjusts his singing style to his audiences. As a composer, Zebra Finch creates, ponders, and dreams of music – melodies and harmonies. In his own way, He personifies the life of a musician.
Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers
To find your animal teacher, see my website: Animal Teachers

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