Recently biologists split the very large family of Antbirds into two groups –Typical Antbirds (Thamnophilidae) and Antthrushes or Ground Antbirds (Formicariidae). In addition, Antpittas are now in their own group, the Grallariidae. Once the groups were divided, Typical Antbirds became more homogenous (especially in describing their colour and behaviour.
Instead of being brightly coloured like many other Birds of the Amazon rainforest, these Birds are usually black, grey, and rufous. However Antbirds make up for their lack of colour with their enthusiasm. Gregarious by nature, Antbirds are the most vocal and conspicuous members of their mixed-bird flock. These small Birds, with rounded wings, sing loudly and enthusiastically with their “loud calls”. (Antbirds do have “soft calls”.)
These Birds are called Antbirds because of their favourite food - Ants. Gleaning Ants from leaf litter to following swarms is what Antbirds do best. They also eat the Insects escaping the path of marching Army Ants. Sitting sideways perched over the ant swarms, Antbirds seem fidgety however They are actively avoiding the Ants crawling about them.
Antbirds have pushed into every nook and cranny of the rainforests of South America. In fact, many scientists consider these Birds to be core species in the cloud forests, rainforest floors, and even in forests’ mid-story. This gives richness to their species, and delights birdwatchers with sightings of new Antbirds. Be enthusiastic as Antbirds, who have adapted to nearly all the environments that They are found in. Embrace life and enjoy it with zest loudly sing Antbirds to those who will listen.
Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2010
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