The most spectacular of the Tyrant Flycatchers is Vermilion Flycatcher. In his dazzling courtship displays, Vermilion Flycatcher dips and spreads his tail to show off his brilliant red plumage. Singing “pit-a-see pit-a-see” in soft tinkling notes, He ends his courting song with a high trill. While He is singing, Vermilion Flycatcher bounces across the sky on fluttering wings.
Living in pairs, Vermilion Flycatcher is usually found in open country or near bodies of water. His territory ranges from southwestern United States to South America. Although, Vermilion Flycatcher is easily noticed in his brilliant colours, little is known about his life. One of the few things that is known is that He will lose his red colouring when in captivity.
Vermilion Flycatcher lives a very public life while maintaining his privacy. He has actually two lives- one personal and one public. Learn from Him, what the difference is. Also, let Vermilion Flycatcher show you how to keep parts of your life private, as well.
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