Friday, March 19, 2010

Who I am in the Tarot (3)

The Sun (XIX), Page of Swords, The Fool (0), and Knight of Wands are the stages of my recovery. In The Sun (XIX), I am protected by the wall and watched over by the sun. However I am not holding on to my horse. The Page of Swords is me leaving the safety of The Sun. With my sword battling the sky, I am looking over my shoulder. Not watching where I am going, I am about to trip.

The Fool (0) is the child of The Sun (XIX) card grown up. Chin lifted, not looking at the ground, he is also like the Page of Swords. As The Fool, I am being watched over by The Sun, but the wall has crumbled behind me. Finally the Knight of Wands is me, fully equipped to meet the world. Riding my horse, holding my staff, I am paying full attention. Protected in my armour, I go out into the world unafraid.

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