Monday, May 21, 2007

Sharks in Danger!

Sharks are not glamorous subjects but without them, our oceans would become cesspools. Take a look at the website in the following post. Shark cartillage has no medicine value. It will not cure cancer. Don't eat shark fin soup - taking of the shark's fins is cruelty to animals.


I found your website through the Shark Webring and thought you or your family might be interested in this story about sharks from Conservation International:
Preying on Predators: Shark Tagging Data Will Guide Conservation Policy, Efforts
"Contrary to popular belief, sharks are not preying on people as much as people are preying on sharks. Millions are harvested every year, primarily to fill a ravenous craving for shark fin soup."

The story describes the plight of sharks endangered by the demand for shark fin soup and the efforts of scientists to learn how to best protect them by shark tagging. There are maps of the sharks' movements, photos, and video.

Learn more at:

Please consider adding this link to your website to help spread the word!

Lindsay Walter-Cox
Conservation International

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