Monday, August 31, 2009

Teachings of the Frogmouth Family

FROGMOUTH FAMILY: Masters of Disguises

When danger comes, Frogmouths freeze flattening their wings and stretching out their bodies. With their faces pointed towards the sky, They sit stock still. Then squinting their eyes, Frogmouths transform Themselves into a dead branch or a tree stump. Few observers can tell the difference between bird and tree.

These grotesque Birds have great flat shaggy heads with massive bills. Mistaken for Owls, Frogmouths are actually members of the Nightjar Family. Moreover, their name comes from an erroneous idea that these Birds caught Insects as They flew.

Instead of spending hours in flight, Frogmouths perch on a branch waiting for food to come by. Spying an unfortunate Insect, They quietly swoop down and grab it with their massive bills. Because They hunt at night, people often think that Frogmouths are Owls. However, They lack the strong talons of an Owl.

Masters of disguises, Frogmouths are usually confused for Owls or tree stumps. These bizarre Birds can transform into things useful to Them. Let Frogmouths teach you how to disguise yourself well. Just take care not to be so odd that you forget who you are.

Frogmouth Picture copyrighted by Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers

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