Thursday, March 26, 2015

SIDE-NECKED TURTLE FAMILY: Thinking Unconventionally

Present-day Turtles are divided into two groups: Hidden-Necked Turtles (Cryptodira to which most Turtles belong) and Side-Necked Turtles (Pleurodria). Many people are not familiar with Side-Necked Turtles since They live in the Southern Hemisphere. The Side-Necked Turtle Family is further divided into two groups–River Turtles of South America and Australia-New Guinea and Mud Turtles of Africa. Members of Side-Necked Turtle Family are either aquatic or semi-aquatic.

Their name “Side-Necked” comes from the way that these Turtles retract their necks. Side-Necked Turtles fold their heads in sideways so that their nose points either to the left or to the right. Their necks lie sideways in their shells in a groove between their carapaces and plastrons (upper and lower shells). When threatened, Side-Necked Turtles can only protect Themselves by pushing their heads further into their shoulders, thus leaving one side of the neck and head exposed.

Side-Necked Turtles developed their method of neck retraction at the same time as Hidden-Necked Turtles did. The two groups of Turtles came up with different solutions to the problem of protecting Themselves. Hidden-Necked Turtles can withdraw their necks completely into their shells. Although Side-Necked Turtles’ solution is more conservative than the Hidden-Necked Turtles’, They are thriving on their continents. Moreover, Side-Necked Turtles are now known for their distinctiveness.

Side-Necked Turtles teach how to think unconventionally. They show that you can come up with different solutions for the same problem. Just remember to expand your imagination to include the cons of a solution as well as the pros.

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