Thursday, February 02, 2017

Finding a Significator Card in Tarot

One aspect of the Tarot that a reader needs to be familiar with is numerology. The numbers assigned to the cards of the Minor and Major Arcana are based on occult concepts of numerology. The German poet, Goethe once said, “Numbers do not rule the world, but tell how the world is ruled.” Moreover Pythagorean philosophy claim that “All is Number.” This philosophy sees the universe to be based on “blue prints” which are governed by numbers.

 In the Tarot readings, it is often useful to have a card denoting the questioner (querent). This card is the Significator. One way to find this card is to take the birth date and birth year of the querent, and add up the numbers. The resulting number is the Major Arcana card that represents the querent. The Significator aids greatly in the interpretation of the spread.

For the reader, this method of finding a Significator for themselves is another way to learn more about themselves. People find value in astrology, Myer-Briggs, and other systems that classify humans into discrete groups. Having a Major Arcana card assigned to them helps people to gain insight into their personalities. I do not subscribe to this but that is my personal view.

Using this method, I found my Significator and number which is nine and The Hermit. In general numerology, people who are nines are considered visionaries and sages. In the Pythagorean system, nine is the first square of an odd number, which is known as the Ennead. Since nine is one short of ten, the perfect number, it is considered a failure. However, since only the infinite ten is after nine, the number nine can be considered limitless. Nine then becomes a complex and rich number.

The card that is numbered “Nine” in the Major Arcana is The Hermit. This card is associated with solitude, the search for knowledge and mysticism. The Hermit could be considered the sage. However, The Hermit could also be considered someone who is devoted to only seeking knowledge and not using it. This connotes both failure and limitlessness in one card. Therefore, The Hermit encompasses both the Ennead and traditional numerology.

Does this card tell me anything important? Not really, since it is another arbitrary method of assigning personal characteristics to a person. However, when I do personal readings and this card appears, I need to pay attention to the reading. Also, if I want a more direct reading, I could use this card as a part of the spread.

 Combining the Major Arcana with my birthdate is a useful method to personalize my readings. When reading for others, it can be a stand-in for the querent. Since the Tarot has elements of numerology, I that that this method is one way of tying the two together in a meaningful way.

 Works Used:

Bartlett, Sarah, “The Tarot Bible.” New York: Sterling. 2006.
Drury, Neville, “The Tarot Workbook.” San Diego: Thunder Bay Press. 2004.
Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, “Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard.” Franklin Lakes (NJ): New Page Books. 2004.

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