Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tribes of Mythic Animals (1)

THE TRIBES OF THE FIRE: Immortal Guardians of Truth and Beauty

The Tribes of Fire are usually birds who are bound by fire. To be immortal like the Phoenix, Many will immolate Themselves. Because of their beauty and glorious song, the Tribes of Fire live in lonely isolated places. Alone, They spend their days honoring the Sun.

Friendly towards people, the Tribes of Fire will heal those who seek them with a loving heart. If you are kind, They may give you one of their feathers of flame. Use it when confronted by evil.


As a rule, the Tribes of the Heavens and Earth do not associate with people, and do not care what anyone thinks. When They choose to, a Member may aid a person in their task. However these Tribes remind always humans what the limits are. Facing a Member of the Tribes of the Heavens and Earth tests the depths of a person’s character. Some folks do not survive the meeting.

When we work with mythic animals, we widen our realm of possibilities and develop a new sense of worth. Our friendship with them will nurture our hopes and dreams, as well as, give us a greater reverence for all life. When we embrace their energy, we become conscious of the mystical in our lives. Finally, we align ourselves with the mythical world. We bring magick back into our lives.


Purchase my book "Mythic Animals!" from lulu.com for $12.00 hardcover.


Copyright: Virginia Carper, 2008 Animal Teachers

1 comment:

Shakespere said...

Interesting blog. I enjoyed reading. Thanks