Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sacred Baboon (Hamadryas): Many Aspects of Male Power

SACRED BABOON (Hamadryas): Many Aspects of Male Power

Living around the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, Sacred Baboon has been a part of the religion of the Ancient Egyptians since the Predynastic period. Because the ruling Sacred Baboon has a silver-grey mane, the Kings of Predynastic Egypt were referred to as the “Great White One”. Since Sacred Baboon barks at the sun at dawn, Ancient Egyptians also associated Him with Ra, God of the Sun.

However given Sacred Baboon’s aggression towards other Baboons, He is also Babi, the Devourer of the Souls of the Unrighteous. Babi controls the darkness, and opens the doors to Heaven only for the King. Since He kills people on sight, Babi is a dangerous God.

Unique among Baboons, Sacred Baboon lives in a patriarchal system. Bull Sacred Baboon has distinctive silver fur, marking his status as the Ruler. Larger than the other Baboons, He fiercely fights to keep his Harem.

Moreover, Sacred Baboon lives in a four-level social system (called fission-fusion). First level is a Harem of Bull Sacred Baboon and his Females. Second level is a Clan of two to four Harems. Third level is a Band of two to four Clans. The last level is a Troop of several Bands.

Life for a Troop consists of rising at sunrise and foraging for food. They rest at noon, and then are off for more foraging. At dusk, Sacred Baboon leads his Troop to a cliff ledge to sleep and to be safe from Leopard.

Sacred Baboon demonstrates the many aspects of male power. As an attendant of Ra, He greets the Sun. As Hapi, He is One of the Four Sons of Horus who guards the organs of the deceased. However as Babi, Sacred Baboon murders humans. Choose carefully which aspect of maleness you want to employ at what time.

Wisdom of Sacred Baboon (Hamadryas) Includes:
Touched by the Divine
Reconcile the Positive with the Negative
Effective Social Organization


Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2008

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Animals For Everyone: Mammals

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