Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spotted Hyena: The Power of Women

SPOTTED HYENA: The Power of Women

A gregarious Mammal, Spotted Hyena lives a socially complex life. Her Clan is ruled by the fiercest of the Females. Queen Hyena leads her Clan in chasing down prey. Within their Packs, Young Females inherit their Mother’s position. (Clans are broken into Packs ruled by Females.)

The most successful of large Carnivores, Spotted Hyena will gang up on Lions for their Kill. And, She will fiercely defend her Pups from Adult Male Hyenas. As a Mother, She nurses her Young until They are about 18 months old.

Spotted Hyena has a rich repertoire of calls. Whooping, She tells her Clan, “Here I am.” Her giggling and laughing tells Them that She is afraid of something. With loud grunts, Spotted Hyena warns Others. But most importantly She communicates to Her Friends by her rich scent. Her Clan marks their territory with scent, telling Other Hyenas to stay away.

Her Pack hunts different Animals using different methods. For example, to hunt Wildebeests, One Hyena will charge the Herd. The Rest watch for a slow Wildebeest and run after Them.

Spotted Hyena demonstrates the power of women. With great stamina, She brings down Zebra. With her Clan, She can challenge the mighty Lion for his kill or charge a Wildebeest Herd.

Wisdom of Spotted Hyena Includes:
Living a Complex World
Many Methods of Communication


Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2008

From Universal Class, fun self-paced classes taught by me:

Finding Your Animal Teachers

Animals For Everyone: Mammals

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