Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pondering the Pythagorean Mysteries (2)

While researching the Platonic and Archimedean Solids, I saw them manifested in crystals. Perhaps this is why many people think of crystals as having special properties. The Crystal System of Classification makes it evident that crystals reflect the sacred patterns of the Universe. Since Sacred Geometry comes naturally to them, this is why we seek healing from crystals. They connect us to the Sacred Order of the Universe, which soothes us.

Two things came from the exploration of these Mysteries. I want to know even more about Sacred Geometry – circles, triangles, and squares -- and why we are drawn to them. A circle (a line that meets itself) is complete. For this reason, many people have their sacred space be a circle. Triangles, the most stable shape, appear in building structures. Squares comfort us with their neat understandable boundaries.

Now I understand why I am in awe of The Pentagon. For years, I commuted to Washington D.C., changing buses at the transfer station located at The Pentagon. All major roads in Northern Virginia converge at The Pentagon (formerly called the “Mixing Bowl”). This low concrete building is the power center of the region.

A pentagon consists of three generating triangles, which form a triad. The mystic numbers of five and three combine to form eight which is divided into four and two, which added become six. As each number weaves in and out with the next, they add their special magick to The Pentagon, the building. What emerges from the dance of the numbers is a fortress of strength and resolve.

Works Consulted:

Coppens, Philip, “Salvador Dali: painting the fourth dimension”, Philip Coppens: The Official Website, 2009, 20 October 2009,

Crystal, Ellie, Numbers and their Meanings, Crystalinks, 2009, 26 Sept. 2009,

DuQuette, Lon Milo, Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, Destiny Books, Rochester Vermont, 1999

Hall, Judy, The Crystal Bible, Godsfield, Alresdord, UK, 2003

Hart, Francene, Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck, Bear and Company, Rochester Vermont, 2001

Howard, Mike and Darcy, “Introduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems”, Bob’s Rock Shop, 1998, 10 November 2009,

Morningstar, Sally, The Art of Wiccan Healing, Hay House, Carlsbad, CA, 2005

Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, Grimore for the Apprentice Wizard, New Page Books, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, 2004

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