Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Hen and Rooster


Since She lays so many eggs, Hen represents fertility in many cultures. Because She gathers her chicks under her wings for protection, Hen has also come to symbolize maternal care. In addition, the Bantu regarded Her to be the Conductor of Souls to the After Life.

Rooster (Cockerel, Cock)

Since Rooster crows at dawn, many cultures viewed Him as a representative of the Sun. In Japan and China, Rooster warded off evil spirits. For the Celts, He drove away the hidden powers of the night. In Rome, Rooster, as the Bird of Mercury (God of merchants), called people to open their businesses for the new day. Living in the Underworld, Fjalarr, the Red Cock, will wake the Norse Heroes for their last great battle (Ragnarok).

Only the Tibetans did not see Rooster in a positive light. For them, He represented materialism. As One of the Three Animals on their Wheel of Life, He enticed people with greed.

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