Friday, October 24, 2008

The Pink Dolphins of the Amazon

Amazon River Dolphin / Boto : Living As One

Shocking pink with small grey eyes, Boto both surprises and enchants people. Unlike his Ocean-going Cousins, He navigates the world of the Amazon River Basin. With grace and ease, Boto swims over submerged logs and flooded tree tops. So flexible is his body, that He can touch his nose to his tail. Like the mysterious and strange world of the Amazon, Boto Himself is an enigma. For example, He sleeps upside down like a dead Goldfish.

“Encantado” is what the local people call Him. Since they share the Amazon with Boto, the local people are mystically tied to Him. Below the murky waters lies an enchanted world ruled by Boto. Because of his magic, they tell strangers: “Be Care with those Pink Dolphins!” (“Cuidado como boto”) for Boto can steal you away to his world.

This ancient River Whale uses his bendy body to swim over and under submerged trees. Through the murky depths, He steers with his long flippers . During the dry season, Boto walks on land with them from one water hole to another. Within the gristle of his flippers, you can still see the “fingers” of his former legs.

As the Amazon changes, so does Boto. His life is tied to this great river which in turn is tied to humanity. We live as a whole - Boto, the Amazon, and Humans. When the rainforest disappears, so will Boto and a piece of ourselves. We will lose the ability to be enchanted and surprised. We all live as one entity.

Amazon River Dolphin / Boto’s Teaching Include:

“The people here have a belief about the bufeo Colorado. They live in our world, but they also live beneath the water in a more beautiful world. We call it the Encante. The bufeo is boss of this magical world. And the bufeo has many magical powers.” - Juan Huanakiri of the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Community

Amazon River Dolphin / Boto’s Wisdom Includes:

Being enchanted
How to be Shocking and Endearing
At One with Nature

Science Notes: Boto is also called: Pink Dolphin, Bufeo Colorado, and Boutu Vermelho
Boto (Inia geoffrensis) is not the same as Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatlis), the Grey Dolphin which also inhabits the river basin and the coast.


Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2008

From Universal Class, fun self-paced classes taught by me:

Finding Your Animal Teachers

Animals For Everyone: Mammals

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