Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wisdom of Beavers: Doing What is Effective

(From U.S. Forest Service)

Beaver: What is Effective

Before extensive trapping by humans, Beavers could be found in all parts of Europe, in Siberia, and as far south as the Euphrates River. An animal of the Northern forests, Beaver is rarely seen by people in the United States. However, this nocturnal and shy Animal intrudes in people’s lives by chewing down their trees.

A keystone species, Beaver creates rich habitats for animals and people. By building dams and designing waterways, Beavers provide flood control. The pond, created by the dam, is not only a place for Fish, Frogs, and Birds but also insurance in times of drought. When Beavers abandon their dam to build another one someplace else, the waters recede creating prime meadows for small Mammals.

Wildlife rehabilitators find Beavers to be affable characters. Beavers are gentle reasoning beings who enjoy playing practical jokes. Wildlife managers usually throw up their hands at preventing Beavers from eating prime trees. The average Beaver generally beats them at every trick the park managers use to save the trees. Let Beaver teach you through her gentle jokes what is effective.

Beaver’s Wisdom Includes:
Gentle Teaching
Purpose in What You Do
Creator of Heaven and Earth

Science Note:
Mountain Beavers (Aplodontiarufa) of North America are not related to Beavers. These animals are the sole surviving member of an ancient rodent family. One of the most primitive rodents in the world, Mountain Beavers can only be found in the temperate rainforests in the Northwest.


Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2008

From Universal Class, fun self-paced classes:
Finding Your Animal Teachers
Animals For Everyone: Mammals

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