Monday, December 29, 2008

Goat Family: Be More Confident (1 of 3)

Called the “poor man’s cows”, Goats were domesticated over 10,000 years ago in the Near East and Iran. Since then, They have provided many people with meat, milk, hides, and other necessities for life. Masters at survival, Goats are easy to raise in dry, rocky areas. Small and hardy, They can live where cattle are unable to. Because of this, Goats are popular worldwide as livestock.

Curious and intelligent, Goats quickly explore new things. With their upper lip and tongue, They taste and touch things They encounter. Contrary to popular belief, They do not eat cans. Fussy about what they eat, Goats browse for prized berries, nuts, and roots. Using their tough pad on their upper lip and strong lower jaw, Goats grab and chew bark from trees.

Since They love to climb, Goats will stand on their hind legs to strip the bark off trees. Also, Domestic Goats will test their enclosure fences as well. In their King of the Mountain Game, They climb up and playfully butt Each Other off the top of the hill.


Copyright: Virginia Carper, Animal Teachers, 2008

From Universal Class, fun self-paced classes taught by me:

Finding Your Animal Teachers

Animals For Everyone: Mammals


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