Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Reiki and Animals

In addition to our physical bodies, we have energy bodies. Sometimes negative energy from elsewhere will enter these bodies. When this happens, we feel out of sorts and blah. Just as we feel low, so do our dear animals. Since they too have energy bodies, our pets also experience this negative energy.

As a form of living spiritual energy, Reiki can clear out this negative energy. Not only that, this intelligent, warm energy will rejuvenate and realign your energy centers. Many people report that a Reiki treatment is like having a warm hug from someone you love.

Imagine giving a warm emotional hug to your dear pet. Since both of your energies are connected in a wholesome way, Reiki deepens the bond between you and your pet. You and your animal friend will become active partners in both of your healings.

What happens during a treatment? First, distance Reiki is sent to your animal friend. Many animals need to become acquainted with this energy. Once your pet has evaluated the energy, they will decide what to do next. Your dear animal will guide me in the areas they need the most healing. As an animal becomes more accustomed to regular Reiki treatments, they will relax.

For healthy animals, Reiki will enhance their emotional and physical well-being. For ill animals, Reiki attends to their healing at deep levels. By receiving Reiki treatments, your pet will experience fewer fears and anxieties.

Reiki is a safe complement to standard medical treatment. In addition, this holistic treatment is a highly effective method, providing gentle comfort to your dear animal. Moreover, Reiki helps to reduce the side effects of other conventional treatments.
Copyright: Virginia Carper, 2008

Animalteachers @ gmail.com

To help you and your pet, I offer friendly and compassionate readings. In my readings, you will find out what is on your animal’s mind. After the reading, you will foster a deeper bond between you and your special animal.

1 comment:

Bush Dr. said...

What a great post! I'm a firm believer in animal reiki, I was lucky enough to work with an excellent reiki therapist in the UK – she did reiki while I adjusted the animals (I’m an animal chiro) and the results were great! (I recently blogged about it too http://naturallycomplementary.com/community/blogs/bush_dr/default.aspx)
Kind regards
Gina McCulloch
holistically healing pets with complementary alternative medicines...naturally