Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Depending on whether the reading is a simple or a complex one, I have two different ways of preparing for it. However, for all the readings that I do, I light a candle. I was taught that this was to signal that divining is about to occur. Meditating on the flame clears my mind and readies it for divination. Since divination is for me a conversation with the Gods, I use the candle lighting to enter sacred time.

Another thing that I do is to have formal tea. I have a small ceremony which includes selecting the loose tea, washing the china teacups, and setting out the tea biscuits. Taking tea relaxes me and makes the transition to sacred time and space easier. Also, it puts me in the frame of mind for reading. The small ceremony is a way to transition from the secular to the sacred.

For a three card reading, I simply shuffle the cards and lay them beside my teacup. Usually, I am not thinking of any question, but am simply looking for general information. I lay out the cards and make notes of my impressions.

For a more formal or complex reading, I follow my training as a Roman Augur. First, I define my sacred space by declaring its boundaries. Then, I burn incense to the Gods, and cleanse the area. I own two divination cloths that I use. One is from a Tarot kit, and the other is one I made by weaving. I use the Tarot cloth for class and casual readings. The other, which is dedicated to the Goddess Frigga, is for more formal readings.

Since I consider divination to be a sacred act, I calm myself first, and then formulate the question. After remaining quiet for a few minutes, I shuffle the cards and deal them. I record my question and first impressions. Then I do a more formal write up of the reading.

Although, I regard divination to hear the whisperings of the Gods, I see the informal three card spread to be more of a daily conversation. More complex spreads are formal venues of decision making that includes listening to the Gods. Such is the difference between the two for me. In Roman divination, the Gods are consulted as to an individual’s choices. I consider a Major Aracana card in a spread to be the opinion of the Gods.

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