Tuesday, January 07, 2014

CAMEL FAMILY: Partnership

Today, the two branches of the Camel Family live on two different continents. Camels (Dromedary and Bactrian) live in the deserts of Eurasia. Llamas (Llama, Alpaca, Guanaco, and Vicuña) live in the high Andes Mountains of South America. The Camel Family (Camelidae) started in North America 40 million years ago. Some migrated to the high dry mountains of South America, while the rest migrated to the dry deserts of Asia.

Because of Camelids' remarkable ability to live in semi-arid areas, people domesticated Dromedary (one-humped) Camel, Llama, and Alpaca for food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. Many things make Camelids special. They can digest tough grasses and convert the grass to energy more efficiently than Sheep or Cows. Moreover, being the only Mammal with oval red blood corpuscles helps Camelids to thrive under harsh conditions. (Their blood helps them to breathe more efficiently.) Their large pads on the soles of their feet give Camelids traction on rocky and sandy soil. Camelids' tough, leathery footpads are broad enough to prevent Them from sinking in sand or snow.

Camelids have been in service to people for thousands of years. In Arabia, Dromedary Camel has provided transportation for people and their belongings. The Bedouins wove his wooly fleece into clothes and blankets. The Incas of South America raised Llamas to be their pack animals, and Alpacas for their wool.
Camelids are highly regarded by the people they serve. The Bedouins call Dromedary Camel, “Ata Allah” (God’s Gift). The Incas called Alpaca a gift from Mama Pacha, the Earth Mother--a gift loaned to humans for as long as They were properly cared for.

The Camel Family has been long known for their partnership with people. Learn cooperation and partnership from the Camel Family. Just do not resort to spitting to express yourself, as various Camelids are apt to do.

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