Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Horny Toads

Horny Toads of Texas, which are actually lizards, are becoming scarce. This writing from Duckworks Pottery is perceptive about the scarcity of some reptiles these days. I would like to think that people could resolve problems of traffic and animals. One place to go is the Critter Crossings Website: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/wildlifecrossings/main.htm

This is from Duckworks Pottery (http://www.duckworkspottery.com/duckworkspottery/index.htm)

"I make ceramic sculptures in the Texas Hill Country, home to horned toads and lots and lots of cactus.

We don't see many horny toads these days. No one knows where they have gone--there are different ideas. Being cold blooded, they like to lie on warm pavement and some speculate that many have been squished flat by car wheels. Their favorite food is large red ants, and the red ants have largely disappeared as well. Fire ants are the favorite reason for that. I like to think that horny toads are way smarter than anyone could imagine (unlike the white tailed deer who just cannot seem to realize that cars will win every time), and that they have formed a secret underground society, perhaps with the red ants--a sort of symbiotic relationship where the toads consume just enough ants to stay alive and meanwhile exhude some sort of substance that repels fire ants and at the same time attracts whatever the red ants like to eat."

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