Thursday, September 23, 2010


What people may regard as one Snake is actually a whole family, namely the Boas.  These Snakes all have a rigid lower jaw and a pair of spurs (the remainder of their hind legs).  Confusing people even more is that Anacondas are Boidae but Pythons are not.  (Close relatives of Boas, Pythons are in their own family.)
            Adding to the confusion is that Boidae are further divided into two families – True Boas (Boinae) and Sand Boas (Erycinae).  Sand Boas include Rubber Boas of North America in their group.  These stout-bodied Snakes burrow into sand.  Sand Boas spend most of their time basking just below the surface of the sand.
            Furthermore, True Boas are subdivided into Boas, Bevel-nosed Boas, Neo-Tropical Tree Boas, Rainbow Boas, and Anacondas.  Bevel-nosed Boas are found in New Guinea and Melanesia.  As their name suggest, these Snakes have upturned noses.  Meanwhile Neo-tropical Boas are found in Central and South America as well as the West Indies.  These Snakes, with thin bodies and large heads, are aggressive and readily strike at people.  The other two groups of Boas live in the same places as do Neo-tropical Boas.  In addition, Anacondas live in the water. 
            Boa Family forces us to think clearly.  By providing clarity, They help us to understand the errors in our thinking.  Know that “Boa” is not just one Snake but an entire Family of unique Snakes.  Some live in the water while others live in trees.  Challenge your assumptions and achieve clarity urge Boa Family.

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