Monday, September 13, 2010

Shielding: The Basics

When I first started using the basic shield, I felt awkward. I began with the basic round blue-silver shield. However, it made walking and more sitting difficult. Also, the shield felt a bit confining and strange. So, I had to tinker with the shape of the basic shield. I came up with the capital D shape for comfort, which was flatter around my feet. (Later when I experimented with color, I discovered that my natural shield color was white-gold.)

Once I finished tinkering with my shield, I felt comfortable. Also it came surprisingly easy to me. Because of my brain injury, I need to keep various stimulae away from me. When I do not, I have seizures. Using the shield helped me to keep stray psychic vibes away from me. Moreover, I did not feel as overwhelmed as I usually do.

Whilst using the basic shield, I ate out with a friend who unknowing leaks negative vibes. With the shield in place, I was able to enjoy my friend with little problem from her negativity. Furthermore after her visit, I did not feel as tired and worn out as before.

One odd experience that I had at the restaurant was that of being unnoticed. Although the place was crowded with people, no one seemed to see me. The waiter did not bother me with his list of specials and other things. The shield seemed to aid in keeping away unwanted attention.

While going to the pool each day, I experimented with the various types of shields. First, I widened the shield. I felt like a giant manatee all round and spud-like. After awhile, I felt comfortable but isolated.

Then I moved the shield to next to my skin. I was uncomfortable with that distance. It was almost stifling after a few minutes.

The next variation I tried was using different materials. I had a shield of bricks, whilst I swam. This may have seemed to be a strange choice, but I wanted to feel the effects of this particular variation. It felt heavy, like lead. I can see where it would be useful as a fortress shield.

The last variation was an opaque plastic ball. While I was swimming, it kept the sun’s rays at a minimum. However after awhile, I felt trapped inside. For me, this shield would be useful as a cautionary shield when I need reassurance in a strange situation.

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