Saturday, July 03, 2010


One of the largest members of the Stork Family, Marabou Stork often feeds on carrion instead of fish. He will haunt the local village dumps for food. Furthermore, Marabou Stork will wait patiently for workers at slaughter houses finish their work, to grab the remaining offal.

Known as the “Undertaker Bird”, Marabou Stork resembles a Vulture instead of a Stork. His bald head is encrusted with scabs. His heavy bill, resembling a meat cleaver, is supported by his bare red throat sac. With his black wings and skinny white legs, Marabou Stork looks quite sinister.

Preferring dry open savannahs to swamps, Marabou Stork relies on Vultures to find dead animals for Him. After the Vultures open up the animal’s hide, Marabou Stork uses his meat cleaver of a beak to retrieve large pieces of meat, which He swallows whole. However, if there are no animal carcasses available, Marabou Stork will eat anything He can catch, while walking or wading.

Unlike the friendly Stork that brings babies, Marabou Stork escorts souls to the Heavens. In African lore, a flying Marabou Stork is a psychopomp for the departed. He takes the freed souls to where they belong.

Marabou Stork is the “Shadow” Stork. Instead of bringing life, He ushers the dying to their final resting place. Accept your shadow side, and its rightful place in the scheme of life. To be a whole person, you need both the shadow and the light. Let Marabou Stork free your shadow self.

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