Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yantra Meditation: Tree of Life

To do the yantra meditation, I chose to focus on the Tree of Life mandala. This Tree symbolizes the uniting of Heaven with Earth. The Tree in the mandala is in full fruit and leaf, with clouds encircling the roots. The fruits on the Tree symbolize fertility from the union of the two worlds.

While practicing this meditation, I became less jittery. As I settled into doing the meditation, I focused on the Tree, letting it fill my mind. However, to avoid falling into a seizure trance, I had to keep my eyes moving over the Tree. First I followed the twisty roots, and then the swirling clouds. Then I took in the shades of greens, browns, yellows, and blues. Afterwards, I moved up the tree trunk to the branches which curved around and around ending round fruit.

One day while I was meditating, I felt sad. In the midst of this meditation, the Tree reached out to me and I felt better. I think that the Tree was working her magic with me. Perhaps this is one of the benefits of the yantra meditation: to unite with the symbol. Once that happens, the symbol can be used to calm your mind.

I was more successful with this meditation than with the non-mind one. Since I had an object to focus on, I could sit still longer. However, I doubt I would use it for my main meditation since I had problems in zoning out, while staring at the mandala. But it was an interesting exercise and I got to know the Tree of Life better.

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